Workshops & Licensing
PK Silver© Specialist Workshop (Online)

● 10 total hours of training – history of parkour, foundations of parkour technique, modified parkour for older adults and falls prevention, class implementation.
● The PK Silver Coaching Manual – a comprehensive guide to understanding PK Move’s philosophy, curriculum, programming, and knowledge base (with free updates)
● PK Silver Coaching Specialist Curriculum – Everything you need to build your own class and begin sharing the power of parkour with older adult populations (50+).
● Access to additional curriculum from the PK Move store – More games, exercises, and techniques to keep your classes fresh!
● Use of the PK Silver Coaching Specialist credential – Tell your students you’ve been trained in the world’s first and only evidence-based parkour program for older adults!
● Listing on PK coaching database – An easy way for people to find PK Silver Coaching Specialist in their area.
● Your very own PK Move-branded precision trainer – Built by our friends at The Movement Creative!
Every coach must have current CPR/AED/First Aid training and ONE of the following:*
● Nationally-recognized fitness training certification (NASM, ACSM, ACE, etc.)
● Bachelor’s or higher in exercise science or related field (kinesiology, physical therapy, etc.)
*If you have fitness education that doesn’t fit into either one of these categories, please contact us at Please note that certifications in parkour, natural movement, yoga, et al., while desirable, DO NOT meet the minimum criteria for attending this workshop.
For the workshop, you will need:
- A flat 10′ x 10′ area, preferably soft (carpet, area rug, yoga mats, etc.)
- Face tissues or a clean dish rag (for tossing around)
- Comfortable shoes (we mostly train barefoot, but certain techniques are better learned with shoes on)
- A sturdy chair that does not roll (or can be locked)
- Access to a blank wall (at least 7’x7′, ideally)
- A device that can be easily moved and provides a good view (laptops are best, tablets are ok, phones are not good)
Upcoming Workshops
August 5th and 6th (registration open, inquire below!)
Interested in taking a workshop? Send us a message with your background and qualifications. If you have what we’re looking for, we’ll send you the sign up link!